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Pride Talk! 🏳️‍🌈

Tälle sivulle päivittyy lisätietoa koskien Pride-viikolla järjestettävää Pride Talk-tapahtumaa. Pride Talk on ensimmäinen Salmenoja Filmsin järjestämä tapahtuma. Pysy kuulolla! 🏳️‍🌈 This page updates about Pride Talk event which will take place on Pride week in June. This is first Salmenoja Films event ever. Stay tuned!🏳️‍🌈

Sustainability series

This is a series of posts I published earlier on Instagram about sustainability. While posting them I got a lot of feedback that this could easily have been a blog, the subject is so wide! I thought I might collect the posts here in one place but I also wanted to add something extra in…

Spotlight: Casting Directors

Welcome to my new series of blog posts: Spotlight. In this series I bring different professionals into spotlight, maybe those who normally are not in the spotlight – at least not that much. First part of the series is an interview of two Casting Directors. I know this has been very much waited, wanted and…

Julia the CEO vs Julia IRL

The qualities I have as a person define me what kind of professional I am. The features one has in ones personality can be modified for different areas in ones life. Some attributes can be learned and strengthen, some just one needs to depress so they don’t have such a big effect on professional behavior.…

Migraine – what a pain in the *ss!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor anything like medical professional. I speak only from my own perspective and experience. This is a very personal disease so what works for me doesn’t necessarily work for you – or most likely won’t. I have been avoiding this topic. I have been suffering from migraines more or…

The company form change – how the practitioner becomes the CEO

When I established my company in fall 2020 I decided to go with the most simple way of entrepreneurship – therefore I have been a practitioner (in Finnish: yksityinen ammatinharjoittaja, toiminimi) ever since. In a nutshell it means, that the company as well as all its assets are mine; I am personally in charge of…